Cultivating growth in ourselves and the land around us by working and learning together.

Hi, We are the Scotts!

We want ALL to experience the awe of seedlings, tasting foods you harvested and feel the sweaty authentic version of being proud of your work.

Our favorite part about living on land is sharing it’s beauty and possibility with others!

We’ve raised our family here with the deliberate desire to instill in them an appreciation for the little details of nature and the grandeur of God’s creations as we see the cycle of life and seasons in action daily.

The Possibilities to Participate in.. 


Community Supported Agriculture 

A crop-sharing system that connects you, a member of the community, to a local farm in need of support which gives you direct access to fresh fruit, vegetables and agriculture experiences.


Ever wanted to own a portion of a cow or raise pigs and chickens? Now you can! We have a farm sharing program where you can be a rancher, farmer or gardener. 


Every month we have several classes or activities available to explore and enjoy on the farm. some for a day and others for 4 days come explore the world of farming and nature.

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